Wednesday, February 9, 2011

get organizized? ha! maybe someday.

these are all leftover images i assume. having no real organization of what i have and haven't used, and being lazy...i'm just guessing at em, so yay!

this is what happens when a bomb goes off in a pond. tough to capture on a polaroid mind you because its going roughly 124 mph (from what i assume MUST be true cause its on wikipedia), but you can actually see the projectile in the upper right center of the frame right before it hits the water, and you can see that too.  a gray jet painted with a big red maple leaf flew over my aunts pond in rhode island and looked real shady, so i went out by the lake with my trusty camera and then after circling for a moment it tried to blow up her catamaran, but luckily missed by like seven feet. we tried contacting the canadian embassy, but no calls were ever returned...

my new favorite artist. a five year old girl named rachel.

beautiful bushwick in the summertime.      ah... summertime how i miss thee

em & so

taking polaroid photography into the action sports world. they all laughed at me on the course, but after a hard days shoot, i had this spectacularly funny to me image to show for it.  pictured is professional mountain biker steve somethingorother.

home is neither here nor there; home is within you or nowhere at all

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