Wednesday, October 6, 2010

whoa. MORE polaroids? indeed!

people jump for joy over polaroids!

i've seen evil, and this is certainly evil. yep. definitely evil.

Blinding Portraits: From Inception to the Future (and then Beyond)

The Story of blinding portraits is a lo n g and interesting one. It begins in the small town of brooklyn, new york. One day as i was trying to make what seemed like a useless but beautiful camera work, i slipped on wet tile and hit my head on the corner of the sink. When i came to, i had a vision. A vision of this. Blinding Portraits.
I ingeniously attached an old unsafe, bulbs hot enough to begin melting the bottom of the camera, movie light that was designed for 8mm filming. I flip the switch, and Voila! my subject is temporarily blinded by a light thats excruciatingly bright enough to allow me to shoot inside, or in low light conditions. Provided of course i'm near an electric outlet, cause these suckers are just too damn bright for batteries.
So now its all double, triple, even yes, quadruple exposures inside. Fuck new technology!

now you know the awful truth. ignore the rumors.

singing in the ree-an

anne steals hats. this time she got caught. sentence: 3 months hard labor in Cincinnati 

gaspar is a good sport to endure blinding portrait after blinding portrait

painted by a camera

bianca's bitchin birthday bash. and very lazy editing on the frame. i must fire my assistant

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