Sunday, September 26, 2010

bowling, stylized not sterilized

come back, champ...

humanitarian and bowler extraordinaire

the gutter

all hail bowling! and america? that wasn't part of the deal, blackheart! that wasn't  part   of   the   deal!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Aquaduct with cody and Immanuel Kant

"There is a famous conundrum in moral philosophy.
Imagine there is a runaway tram, known in America as a trolley, heading towards five people tied to the track.
You are a bystander.
If you do nothing, all five will die.
But you could hit a switch and divert it down a side track.
Unfortunately, on that spur is one person and if you turn this tram, this person will die.
What should you do? Turn the tram? Most people think you should.
Now imagine that same tram is again heading towards five people. This time you are watching from a footbridge.
There is a fat man leaning over this footbridge. If you push him over, he will land on the track and die, but his bulk will stop the tram.
So should you push the fat man? Almost no-one thinks you should."

i pushed a fat man off this, but it was morally ok

looks like a waterslide. go bronx!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

a little piece of my heart died when polaroid stopped making film. good thing fuji isn't so s&m

deems, deems, the upside-down frog-machine! but god, look at those other legs. i say goddamn goddamn.

long live derek deems. hero to joe everybody.  man of his word. man of action.  man of the people. shit, i wish he were my son...

anne. hangin in me old dungeon

Thursday, September 9, 2010

lucy in the sky with diamonds, and such

"...flying kites has been scientifically proven to extend ones life by five to fifteen years on average..."

going back in time feels like this

welcome to the jungle. puerto rico.

waterfalls for all hard-working americans

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

random images of the future

i saw a newborn baby with wild wolves all around it. i saw a highway of diamonds with nobody on it. i saw a black branch with blood that kept dripping. i saw a roomful of men with their hammers a bleeding. i saw a white ladder all covered with water. i  saw ten thousand talkers whose tongues were all broken. i saw guns that shot swords in the hands of young children.  and its a hard its a hard its a hard its a hard its a hard rains     a gonna fall
